Friday 20 January 2012


to a lay man concept, "less is more and more is less"means where by the less something is the more attractive and beautiful it will be, and the more it is the less it will be.(too much of everything is bad). Less is More is a 19th centuary proverbial phrase. in which, was first found in print by Robert Browning's poem Andrea De Sarto(1855). This phrase is mostly referred with the architect and furniture designer Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe(1886-1969)one of the proponents of simplicity of style and among the founders of modern architecture. Less is More is a description of aesthetic tactic of arranging many necessary components of a building to create an impression of extreme simplicity, by enlisting every elements and details to serve multiple visual and functional purposes. for instance, designing a wall of a building it is to serve as a security from stranger and also gives warmth to the building. in other words, More is less is referred to as when we have too many choices or ideas, or decisions, then we tend to have too little time to do what is right and appropriate. thus giving birth to more is less.


Le Modulor is an anthropometric scale of proportions, by the Swiss-born French Architect Le Corbusier. (1887-1965).It is based on an English man's height with his hand rise above his head. It was created to serve as a visual bridge between two incompatible mathematical scale, the Metric system and the Imperial system. It was used for building measurements and for finding other mathematical proportions in the human body, and to improve both the appearance and the functionality of architecture. the system is based on the human measurement, the double unit, the fibonacci numbers, and the golden ratio. Le Corbusier described his findings as " range of harmonious measurements to suit human scale, universally applicable to architecture and mechanical things".


When we talk about Function Follows Form', it is a reverse case of form follows function. in this case, the function of your idea determines the form of it. Thus, it favors creative designers/ builders. Where by the function of a place/ an object determines the form of it. for instance; when the function of a Lorry is to transport goods, so you design the form to serve that purpose.


"Form follows function" this phrase is originally  quoted by Louis Sullivan,an American and also named as the father of skyscrapers, and father f modernism. In his article 'The Tall Office Building Artistically considered' he coined the phrase, where he actually said ' forms ever follows function' to what Sullivan meant it was distilled wisdom, an aesthetic credo, the single "rule that shall permit of no exception". the primary meaning of this phrase is that every shape of a particular building or an object should be based on its function or its usage. for instance, when you are building a Hospital, it should have the feel and look of hospital not a look or structure of a supermarket. in the 1930's and 40's, American industrial designers took the inherent contradiction of form follows function' when he redesigned locomotives and duplicating machines for mass market consumption. Loewy, formulated his MAYA(Most Advanced Yet Acceptable). principles to express that products designs are bounded by functional constraints of maths, materials and logics, but the acceptance is by social expectations.